Harry Tolsma
Trainer, Mentor & Coach

Training for Microsoft Partners

Innovation gos lightning fast at Microsoft!


Not only the technology itself, but also Microsoft Partner Center is a very comprehensive tool for partners to manage the relationship with Microsoft. Unfortunately, bulky also means complex :((
This not only makes it complex to manage your relationship with Microsoft, but also to get the most out of funding programs! Microsoft has tons of programs in Partner Center that you can use. This can literally earn you tons of funding!


I will guide you in learning by doing, helping you navigate this space and effectively distribute team roles. Within a few months, you will have recouped the investment in my efforts! 

For this purpose, I provide two services:


  1. The 'per quarter Microsoft Update' workshop
    I will provide updates every quarter on the latest Microsoft developments, current trends, and how to leverage them effectively.
  2. Custom Partner Center Training.
    I can guide you through the Partner Center, clarifying the significance of each section and how to maximize its benefits. Additionally, if you wish, I can assist in configuring the Partner Center with you, establishing access permissions, roles, and procedures.